About Ranger & Nicole

Hiking and receiving kisses from my best friend.

Ranger is my dog, my best friend and soulmate for all of eternity. Ranger is a Staffordshire Terrier who I rescued off of death row in New York City when he was two years old. He and I have been through life & death situations together, we have traveled all of the eastern seaboard together, shared many adventures and many homes, and every moment shared each other's hearts. After 12 years of physical companionship, Ranger crossed over to the other side on September 2, 2020. The day of his death was something I never wanted to face when we were together, and when he became ill 6 months before he crossed I was so terribly fearful of losing him. What I couldn't know then, is that Ranger and I would continue to have a relationship after he left his physical body. Losing the being you love more than anything in the world is so deeply and consumingly painful. The initiation into such deep grief after this loss, is frightening - a journey none of us would ever willing take up. In being willing to walk this journey through the landscape of grief, I also found I started to walk a new journey in the land of spirit. It seems contradictory, but the deepest experience of pain can lead you right into the heart of the divine. I wish that I could walk this earth for all time with my Ranger, but we are all going to have to cross over at some point - and he has just gotten a head start on me. I continue to communicate with Ranger, and walk with him. As I have heard from my pet-loss counselor, Death does not end the relationship, it just changes it.

My writings here are in honor of the experiences and times Ranger and I shared in this dimension, and our continued experiences we have now that he is on the other side.

I love you Ranger.