Finding Meaning

Finding Meaning

Pabajja. Answering the call, and going forth...

Ranger and I have so many important things to do together in 2022. I have no doubt that he continues to guide me and speak to me from the other side. He is no longer with me physically, but our walks together have only grown more important and wondrous - with me here physically and he in the world of the spirit.

For most of the first year after Ranger passed on, I could only feel the deep vacuum of my loss of purpose. Walking Ranger, sharing adventures with him, traveling together, caring for him, spending time in his presence and going through deep transformations together gave me such deep meaning and purpose in my life. When he died, I felt as if my primary purpose in life had died too.

1.25 years after his passing, I feel I'm at the beginning of living out the new callings in my life. I have come to understand that my relationship with Ranger continues and there are still things we are working on together... I'd like to share these callings here.

Afterlife studies and the exploration of extremely hidden phenomena.

Ranger has sent me so many signs, visited me so many times, made miracles happen in my life and even manifested for me. One can only remain a skeptic for so long when being inundated with so many message from beyond! Actually, I still do remain a skeptic, an open-minded one. I believe that skepticism and open-mindedness are essential components in spiritual growth and awareness. During the year after Ranger passed, I took courses in deep meditation, Reiki and pet communication - and I voraciously read books written by lay people, mediums, pet owners, pet communicators, doctors and scientists on the afterlife and what the Dalai Lama has coined 'extremely hidden phenomena'. I documented all of my spiritual encounters in my journal.

I am continuing this study through documentation of my continued experiences with reality beyond this physical one, reading more books, attending different seminars and connecting more fully to the community of people who have had experiences that go beyond this physical world.

Immersion in animal communication, the Animal Mind Network.

Many new animals have come into my life since Ranger crossed over, including 2 precious horses and a clan of birds. I live in a rural setting now and most of my communication outside of work is with the animals in my house and farm, and those animals that surround my farm in the wild. Through behavioral courses and training I'm immersed in with the horses, I'm coming into a whole new understanding of animal intelligence. Animals have a social intelligence and a connection to the greater consciousness that far exceeds humans. Part of our brain (the neocortex) actually gets in the way of connecting more fully to all of creation and conscious understanding. Animals are teaching me about communication on a level I never knew about before. Animals communicate telepathically, with body language, with intention, with their voices - the full communication spectrum. And I believe that all of the animal creation is talking amongst themselves - animals here physically are communicating regularly with those animals who are in spirit only. I see evidence of this communication between the spirit world animal and the physical animal in my pets on the farm and in the house.

My studies of the Animal Mind Network are nascent, and they are merely documentary in nature at this point, but I would very much aspire to progress my study of their consciousness and communication to a study with controls.

Helping animals.

We are here to learn from animals. They are not ancillary creatures providing a backdrop of entertainment to our human existence. They have mastered conscious awareness and unconditional love, and they are here to help us grow and evolve. I want to help animals because most of society does not realize how elevated animals are. By being a positive force in animal rescue, we can help animals that are in abusive, unwanted and unsafe situations. By helping these animals we restore trust between animal and human, and our work helps our entire world culture to understand that love and empathy are fundamental to our existence. In 2022 I will be further engaging with horse rescue and bringing the sacredness of the horse to as many humans as I can. I will also be continuing my work with dog rescue through donations, and helping those in need who have dogs. Most of all, I will be listening to the animals who cross my path and acting on their direction.

Pet-loss support.

The biggest source of my inner transformation during my first year of loss of Ranger, came through my grief work in the PetLoss Partners grief support group, and in 1-1 grief counseling with Sandra Grossman. I am in process giving forward the amazing support and healing I experienced to those who are experiencing pet loss and are alone in the grief, like I once was. In the Spring of 2022 I will be embarking on a pet loss bereavement facilitator course with PetLoss Partners. I have written a book on my experience moving through grief in my first year and am in the process of having that book edited and will self publish it. My intention is to be a light of change in this grief-averse society we live in, especially in the area of disenfranchised pet-loss grief.