Honoring Ranger at the Holidays 2022

Honoring Ranger at the Holidays 2022

In the last few days, I have been feeling Ranger's presence in such a beautiful and tactile way. I feel his love for me, I sense him all around me all the time, I hear messages of love from him - and I have been blessed with beautiful cardinal, ladybug and stinkbug signs from him.

It's been over 2 years since Ranger left his physical form, and the signs from birds and insects have continued. It's really quite an incredible thing to witness. Ladybugs have manifested in the house for about a year now. It is now Winter and they are still appearing. The stinkbugs never stopped showing up - they have been a continuous presence from the 2 weeks before Ranger died up until this present day. And I'm not talking about a stinkbug infestation! They eloquently show up in strategic spots 1 or 2 at a time. Sometimes there's a hiatus of a few weeks but then one always appears right before me. The ladybugs are really beautiful - the are usually perched somewhere in my office looking right at me. Ranger when he was physically alive would always be with me in my office, my co-pilate through many years of my work life.

On my the morning walks I take with Ranger's spirit, I often hear messages from him. I don't hear the messages all the time - but when they do come through they are just lovely. Here are some of the messages I've been presented with lately. I can't really articulate which sense they are coming through - it's closest to a visualization, or a knowing - but they also they have hearing, sense and touch associated with them. Interestingly, I rarely receive 'smell' messages from him.

  • The sensation of warm turquoise water
  • 'Hearing' words of love like, "You are my queen", and "celebrate yourself"
  • Being presented with a living silver rose from him
  • Seeing/being aware of a silver dollar
  • Feeling the heat from his chest and heart area
  • Receiving different colors - mostly I receive these amethyst and turquoise colors from him
  • 'Seeing' him in the fields on my walks during the day and at night
  • Knowing without a doubt he is right there/here

I love you Ranger. Thank you for blessing me with your loving presence. I'm not quite sure who you really are - because it seems more and more apparent that you only wore a dog body to incarnate. I'm thinking you really are some very high form of spiritual being, I believe an angel. And that is why I have always called you my Ranger Angel.

Christmas 2022 note: On Christmas eve, I put out a plate of food for both Ranger and Sapphire and lit a candle. In the morning, there were 2 ladybugs perched on the rim of his water bowl near the food...

The cardinal is right behind my horse Savannah, to the right of her on the tree limb. This cardinal stayed perched on that limb the whole time I was grazing her in this section. It is Winter here, and now the second time I have been visited by a cardinal in a week. Ranger sent Savvy to me - and I often feel a very deep connection between both of them.