My Thoughts on Death, and the New Heaven & Earth

My Thoughts on Death, and the New Heaven & Earth

In the last few weeks, it has come to me that our being is actually a column that vertically spans a number of dimensions. That when we die we are letting go of the most dense dimension of our being, the physical form. Our being continues on after this letting go of the physical and continues to learn lessons in the rest of the energy levels of our column of existence. Death is not the end of the soul. If you are an atheist and your world is shaped within materialism only, then death will seem like a complete end. And in one way it is an end, it is the end of the physical expression of the being, and that ending is to be grieved authentically and reverently.

I am a critical thinker, and that critical thinking serves me very well in my profession and also in terms of strategically thinking through life. I have a mind that wants to deliberate everything so it did take me this almost 11 months after Ranger passing to come to a place of awareness that existence goes beyond what our 5 senses acknowledge. I have had a seemingly endless flow of signs and visitations from Ranger in this time since he's passed. And I understand now these signs, are cues for me to wake up to reality is not what it presents itself as to our 5 senses. Death is the initial great disruptor to our sense of reality, it throws a giant rock into the middle of the complacent pool of our reality and we can never be the same after that rock has disturbed our sense of what is real.

Perhaps one of the most memorable signs in terms of its vigor - was the time I was driving on I-80, going about 70mph, when a cardinal appeared seemingly out of nowhere right in front of the driver's side windscreen and suddenly flew vertical, imminently avoiding crashing or coming through my windshield at me. Cardinals have been one of my most ubiquitous and every present signs from Ranger and they seem to appear right on cue right in front of me, or flying right behind me or next to me when I'm talking to him or feeling him deep in my heart. The cardinal on I-80 I feel in retrospect, was a deliberate attempt to get my whole attention that something weird is indeed going on with 'reality'.

In the past few weeks I have come into some kind of knowing that there are some among us who are just a little bit ahead on the path into this new world we are going into. And we are all helping each other from our points on the path to move forward. Ranger is that being for me - he is leading me into a whole new paradigm. In a letter I wrote recently from Ranger he said something most curious to me, "You will see me while you are alive."

A lot of people will think that the above statement sounds crazy, but I feel like I know what that means. The new Heaven and the new Earth are actually going to be the intersection of the physical and heavenly realms. Earth is being elevated and spirits are making themselves known to more and more physical beings. I feel there is a point on my journey where I will have learned and awakened my consciousness so much that I will be able to see Ranger where he is now while I'm consciously awake. If I am correct, I will be sure to write about it here!

The new Heaven and the New Earth will be that marriage of the physical and spiritual dimensions once they have both reached sympathetic vibration through the elevation of consciousness of a critical mass of souls.