Some of My Experiences with Pet Communication

Some of My Experiences with Pet Communication

After Ranger's 1-year Angel Day anniversary, in the Fall of 2021, I decided to develop my abilities in animal communication by taking Danielle MacKinnon's Soul Level Animal Communication Course 101. The course is largely focused on communication with pets and animals that are living, with a segment dedicated to communicating with animals who have passed on.

It was an interesting course, Danielle offered many insights and structured exercises to develop pet communication through the weeks where you worked with unknown animals, worked with other people in the course on communicating with their pets, and learned many techniques for grounding your energy, and methods of connecting with animals both living and in spirit only.

I'm an open person who is also a critical thinker, and I found that this course required a lot more openness on my part. I had experienced so many signs from Ranger during 2020-2021, that I knew that pet communication is real, but I had to go to another level of staying open when taking this course.

I wanted to share 2 beautiful pet communication experiences I had while in the course. I hope that you as the reader will understand from them, how the most important thing to receiving pet communication, is to stay open.

My reading with Heidi Lou

The first experience was when I did mutual reading with my course mate, Heidi Lou. Heidi Lou lives in France with her cat Sissi. I was going to do a reading for Heidi Lou on Sissi, and she was to do a reading for me on my cat, Harlowe. The session started with us connecting over Skype. I went first, I was nervous - how in the world could I possibly communicate with an unknown cat in France?? There were two things from my reading that I remember to this day, months later. The first message I received from Sissi was that she felt sick to her stomach and did not want tuna in her meal. The second message I received was a visual of a strip of large rocks all together. I almost didn't communicate this visual I had to Heidi Lou...large rocks? What on earth do large rocks have to do with a cat in France? - this is clearly my imagination at work, I thought...

Heidi Lou confirmed these 2 messages from my reading: Sissi had indeed not been feeling well and wasn't eating. Her meals contained tuna, and Heidi was going to remove the fish from the meal.

As for the rocks, Heidi then sent me an image over Skype of the view outside their apartment. She said that Sissi always sat at that window and looked out on this view all day long:

Rocks, in the view from Sissi's window.

HeidiLou's reading of my cat, Harlowe was beautiful. She told me how Harlowe is nervous around strangers and showed her this by running and hiding in a corner when HeidiLou entered the 'meeting room'. She also shared with me that Harlowe loves to walk around outside, and does this on a daily basis. That she's mad if she doesn't get her daily walks. Lastly she shared with me that Harlowe's message for me is that Harlowe "Wants me to be at peace with myself."

Harlowe totally hides around strangers, she walked everyday outside our campsite and got very annoyed if she was not let out to take her stroll. I thought the message from Harlowe was very beautiful and meaningful - I can't validate for the reader how I know this message to be true except that Harlowe is always looking into me with eyes like she's an angel watching over me.

My reading with Cheryl

My next class reading was with my friend, Cheryl. Cheryl and I came to know each other in Sandra Grossman's Petloss Partners Grief Group. Cheryl, through the whole class kept saying to me that she felt like she just wasn't getting any of the pet communication exercises. I had to agree with her on some of the exercises - I had resistance too, I didn't understand always understand how that particular lesson was going to lead to greater communication abilities.

Cheryl and I decided to connect with each other's beloved dogs who had crossed over - her Ewi, and my Ranger. Unlike HeidiLou, Cheryl and I knew each other's stories of loss, and about each other's dogs - although we had never met each other's dogs. So you could say that perhaps some of the communication might have been informed from knowing each other in advance. Even if that's true, Cheryl's message to me sent to her from Ranger has been fundamental in my understanding of how my life is unfolding, and the calling that Ranger is continuing to guide me on. She told me that Ranger is arranging to have lots of animals come into my life, and that he wants me surrounded constantly by these animals. This reading happened back when we only had our 2 current kitties and 3 new birds. Now we have 2 horses, 2 bunnies, 4 birds, 2 cats and chickens on the way. I know that Ranger communicated to Cheryl, and that all these animals are part of his legacy and mission for me going forward.

My reading to Cheryl from Ewi seemed kind of strange. I don't remember many details of it, except that I saw Ewi being constantly mischievous and buzzing around on a flying carpet. Cheryl laughed and said that Ewi was always doing things to make her laugh. I really don't know why Ewi showed me the flying carpet, but it was the first time I heard Cheryl laugh in the months I had known her, since her loss.

Pet communication experiences on our new property.

When Nugi and I moved to this property the Fall of 2021, I felt the spirit of happy animals everywhere. We knew nothing about the history of this place - except that we assumed that animals once inhabited the barn.

Shortly after we moved in, Nugi said he felt the presence of a pig move within the single tree we had in our backyard, a very large maple tree. We found out a few months later from the son of the late owner that a pig pen used to surround this tree...

A few months after this, we also found out through a 'chance' encounter that the original owner of this land used to own a large dairy farm on it. And that the place where our quonset hut is was where the old dairy barn used to be. The dairy barn was hit by lightening, and all the animals inside of it died in the fire. We confirmed the dairy barn during an inspection under the dirt floor of large concrete stanchions still in place.

Just a few week's ago, Nugi told me that the spirit of a pig led him from working on our chicken coup into the quonset hut, where the said spirit pig then brushed up against his leg...and then a few days later he saw this pig spirit run across the lawn into the maple tree.

My experiences with Nugi is that he has a natural gift of pet communication that has been confirmed many times. He's also a natural medium, and has had many experiences with human souls who have passed on, but he's always pushing away from that gift.


I hope to continue to evolve my pet communication abilities. My horse, Savannah does regularly speak to me telepathically. She tells me when she wants to see me, or when she's hungry. I find that my cats only seem to send me messages when something is wrong with them. So far, I don't believe I've received any telepathic communication from my birds or bunnies yet.

For those interested, here is Danielle MacKinnon's website: