Poop Scent from the Afterlife

Poop Scent from the Afterlife

A spirit is without a body, and they have to find a way to communicate from the other side to people on this side they love. Sometimes spirits do this by flickering lights on and off, or appearing out of the corner of one's eye, or moving objects around, or by causing certain scents to waft into one's nose...

One of the ways that Ranger has communicated with both my boyfriend and I is through the smell of his poop. A week after Ranger crossed over, my partner texted me while he was at work that he just smelled Ranger's poop. I thought he was joking with me, and of course I got mad, because I really didn't think it was funny of him to make a joke at a time like this. But my partner was insistent that he just smelled Ranger's poop, and when I saw him and he told me all about it, one thing I knew for sure was that he was not making a joke. I thought he was crazy though.

I was sort of acquainted with the senses of clairvoyance and clairsentience before Ranger passed, but I did not know about clairalience - or the ability to receive smells that spirits were sending to us. And I certainly never heard about smelling a spirit's poop...

Ranger must have known that I would brush my boyfriend's clairalient experience off, so he also sent the same poop fragrance to me a week later. I was sitting outside our RV, at our campsite picnic bench - meditating. My mind was completely clear, as clear as the sky above, when I received the most overwhelming waft of Ranger's poop - it was a freshly laid poop right under my nose. I cannot even describe the feeling of 'WTF' I had in that moment. And then the waft came again, strong, fresh, and unmistakably from Ranger's rear end. I shot up from the table and smelled ever bit of my being, I scoured under the table for a poop laid by another dog, I searched the entire campsite area - nothing. I sat back down at the table and received 12 more wafts of Ranger's poop right under my nose...

I took a video journal right after I smelled Ranger's poops while meditating at our campsite table. In this still from the video, I am vigorously smelling parts of myself as I still believed I might have stepped in poop or somehow gotten poop on my clothing. The scent was so strong.

Now, I know if you've never experienced this, you're going to think I'm as crazy as I thought my boyfriend was a week before. I searched the Internet for stories of clairalience (I didn't know what it was called when I started my search), and really didn't come across that much information - save for an interesting article by a man who would repeatedly smell his Father's farts in the house after his Father had passed on.

In the nearly 6 months after Ranger's crossing, I have never smelled his poop again, but my partner has. Last week, he went outside our RV in the snowstorm to smoke a cigarette, and came bursting through the door in a matter of minutes, exclaiming in his quiet voice that he had smelled Ranger's poop again. He had searched the snowy premises, and there was nary a poop on the ground from any animal.

I may not have had the experience again (yet) of smelling Ranger's poop - but this clairalience thing is definitely a thing for me. A little over a month after my sweet Ranger crossed, my Grandmother and my step-sister also passed from this life to the next. In addition to seeing red cardinals fly straight at me after their deaths, I started to smell things. I was walking around our campsite lake, alone, deep in nature and I received a penetrating waft of cigarette smoke. There was nobody around, nobody secretly lurking in the woods, the cigarette smoke waft literally materialized out of thin air. Neither my Grandmother or step-sister smoked, and I can't tell you why I received this odor.

In my RV bedroom I have been woken up by the very strong scent of bleach, repeatedly. It woke me up 3 times and when I would come to complete consciousness, there would be no smell of bleach. It was not a dream of a smell of bleach - it was the actual smell of bleach and it was strong that it woke me up 3 times. One time, I was in that twilight state in our bedroom and I smelled a heavy dose of a man's cologne - it was definitely a man's cologne but it had a very sweet note to it. I have no clue what these scents were about, but I do know that there is some form of communication going on here via smell from the spirit world.

And just recently, my boyfriend, has smelled Ranger's body scent inside our RV...

Why would Ranger choose his poop smell initially to communicate with us? My partner and I talked a lot about this. We think it's because poop was a central theme to the last 6 months of Ranger's life - and we intimately knew what his poop smelled like because of this. He was often not able to get up and stand up to take a poop, so he would go poop on his wee wee pad on his bed. Cleaning Ranger's poop was a regular ritual that would really define the day, for 6 months. He knows we know what his poop smells like. Another reason I think he chooses poop, is that he fought so hard to be able to poop standing up - I could see the victory on his face when he was able to do it after weeks of paralysis. Taking a poop normal doggy style meant everything to him. I think he sends us the poop smell, to let us know that he's healthy and that all is ok over there on that side, and that he's still walking with us.