Ranger & Nicole's Walk

Thoughts, stories and walks...

Messages of Love

It was late September 2020, nearly a month after Ranger had crossed over, and my boyfriend and I were coming to the end of the season at the campground we were staying in near Delaware Water Gap. We were trying to figure out where we were going to go next in our RV, and after researching many places in the NY/NJ/PA area, I kept coming back to a campsite that could house us during the Winter near the Jersey Shore. I felt that I was hearing Ranger prompt us to go to this particular campsite. My bo
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
15 min read

9 Months on the Road

It was the early summer of 2016, my housemates were selling their house in Jersey City, NJ in which I lived on the bottom floor. With the sale of the house, I would be moving on too. I had made arrangements with my Mother to live with her for a while in Florida while I figured out where I would move to more permanently. Shortly before I was to hit the road with my animal family and head to Florida, my Mother called to inform me that one of her cats had Feline Leukemia, and it wouldn't be possibl
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
31 min read

The Grief Walk & The Spirit Walk

For me, the Grief Walk & the Spirit Walk, have been intertwined walks since Ranger crossed over on September 2, 2020. Below are my experiences with both walks in the time Ranger has passed on... The Long Journey - by Gallery of Thomas: https://img.artpal.com/48638/24-18-1-27-11-45-42m.jpg [https://www.artpal.com/nomadphoto?i=83684-24]Grief Walk I believe the grief walk is a journey of the heart. It is not a mental journey, but a deeply emotional and visceral journey that for me has consisted
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
14 min read

Spirit Garden

I have this feeling that all my animals who have passed over, are in a garden on the other side. There have been glimpses of my animals in spirit in these gardens over the years in visions, and when I'm out walking in nature I'll often become aware of certain elements in nature that seem to be otherworldly in nature, while at the same time, being of this world. What are these otherworldly elements of nature I perceive? Sometimes it's a certain tree, or a section of the woods, most definitely mo
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
4 min read

The Story of the Golden Orb

Throughout the six-month journey of Ranger’s illness I felt the spirit of my Dad come through a lot. My Dad has visited me and helped me so often since the 12 years ago that he passed on. I feel him to be the the guiding force behind ‘lucky’ opportunities that have happened in my professional career, and I feel him guiding me with my stock market adventures - my Dad himself was an engineer, a business man and a serious stock market aficionado. During Ranger's illness I would take walks around o
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
5 min read

Miracle Walk

It was 4 months after Ranger received his diagnosis of a brain tumor. All seemed to be moving in a positive direction for Ranger - his grand mal seizures were fairly under control with the Levetericetam anti-convulstant, and the homemade diet and Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs he was on all seemed to be helping him in a largely positive way. It was 6am in the morning at the end of June. I was about to take Ranger outside for his morning walk when he had a sudden grand mal seizure. A few min
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
11 min read

Poop Scent from the Afterlife

A spirit is without a body, and they have to find a way to communicate from the other side to people on this side they love. Sometimes spirits do this by flickering lights on and off, or appearing out of the corner of one's eye, or moving objects around, or by causing certain scents to waft into one's nose... One of the ways that Ranger has communicated with both my boyfriend and I is through the smell of his poop. A week after Ranger crossed over, my partner texted me while he was at work that
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
4 min read

End of Life Walk

My writing here is meant to offer up my experience, and to start a conversation about an area that we rarely approach or deeply discuss around pets. In the 6 months that I provided end of life care for Ranger, I don't think once I thought about it as such - I was focused on finding solutions for him, keeping him as comfortable and out of as much pain as possible and letting him know that I loved him with every part of my being. Upon reflection, there is no formula for end of life care for pets o
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
19 min read
beach, lake

Beaches & Lakes

Many of my most favorite memories of companionship shared with Ranger have happened at a lake or beach somewhere. Because we traveled so much in our time together, we have had the joy of water together all along the Eastern Seaboard. One does not associate beach and sandy shores with the island of Manhattan, but we lived in Washington Heights when Ranger first came to me - and up in those parts we have what would be considered a grand beach on the island of Manhattan. This beach is located unde
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
13 min read

Insects, Butterflies & Dragonflies

I have a lot more questions than answers about these creatures, but know from my personal experiences with Ranger that they are somehow connected with life on the other side. About a week before Ranger crossed over on September 2, 2020, a beautiful large butterfly with wings of the most lush blue color kept alighting over and over in front of myself and Ranger in our campground yard. Ranger was lying across my lap, I was enjoying his company and stroking him in the warm August sunlight. When the
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
9 min read

The Walk

The walk is the life blood, the marrow of our enduring and intimate relationship with our dogs. It's a ritual both simple as it is nourishing. There's alchemy that happens on that walk, a transfer between souls - lessons communicated between stops for potty breaks, the sniffing of some interesting scent and the taking in of nature. The walk for us humans, forces us to stop our addiction to the treadmills of life and work, to engage in something simple, refreshing and mindful with our best frien
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
9 min read

Ranger's Candle

Ranger, your light is always with us. Your joy and happiness illuminate me daily. This candle has lots of butterflies around it because you sent me these butterflies when you left.
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
1 min read