Spirit Garden

Spirit Garden

I have this feeling that all my animals who have passed over, are in a garden on the other side. There have been glimpses of my animals in spirit in these gardens over the years in visions, and when I'm out walking in nature I'll often become aware of certain elements in nature that seem to be otherworldly in nature, while at the same time, being of this world.

What are these otherworldly elements of nature I perceive? Sometimes it's a certain tree, or a section of the woods, most definitely moss, the sound of certain birds, and of course butterflies, and dragonflies...

I perceive that the natural world is an intermediary between the spirit and physical dimensions.

In the many visitations I have had from Ranger - I have often seen him lying on moss in a garden. In one visitation, he was running around in a fantastic garden flanked by the most magical looking mountains...and many times I perceived him playing with other animals, in a garden.

My sweet Cherie, who passed away when she was 19, over a decade ago - the night she passed she came to me in a vision curled up by a beautiful waterfall in a lovely garden. I knew from this vision that she was totally in peace and blissfully happy.

A new friend of mine who is also a florist told me one day that she made spirit gardens for animals who have passed on. I thought this was such a wonderful idea, and my friend offered to make one for Ranger. She said to put together a few things of his that I would like to be part of the spirit garden. In the process of putting together these items for Ranger, I actually embarked on the creation of his spirit garden myself. It turned out to be such a creative process for me, and for my boyfriend, who also got involved.

Ranger's spirit garden is so special to me because it contains elements that he loved from his earthly life, symbols of the afterlife he sent me, trips we took together and visions I had after he crossed. This spirit garden is both the remembrance of our time shared in the physical world but it is also the creative manifestation of my experience of him in the afterlife, it has great meaning to me.

Ranger's spirit garden

Ranger's indoor spirit garden has the following in it:

  • Moss: Moss is so magical to me in this physical world, and I have seen Ranger lying on it over there.
  • Driftwood and feathers from Virginia Beach: One of the most special times with Ranger was when we went to Norfolk to celebrate my Grandmother's 100th birthday, and while we were down there we all spent time at the beach. My boyfriend and I picked up this driftwood from the beach when we went back to Virginia Beach one year later to celebrate my Ranger and my Grandmother, and crafted it into a driftwood sculpture.
  • Shells: There are shells from Dog Beach (Canova Park Beach) in Florida, Ranger's favorite beach. And there are shells from the Jersey Shore - we go to the Jersey Shore beach often to honor Ranger.
  • A stick from the campground we are in at the Jersey Shore: I throw sticks for Ranger on our spirit walk each morning, in honor of Ranger loving everything to do with a stick.
  • A pine cone: I felt that Ranger guided us to this campground that is full of pine trees. The pine cone is a tribute to my time here together with his spirit.
  • Blue butterfly: A week before Ranger crossed over, a butterfly just like the one in his spirit garden visited us and stayed with us for about 10 minutes - it just kept landing in front of Ranger and I over and over again
  • Orange dragonfly: This is a tribute to my orange dragonfly who stayed with me for 45 minutes after Ranger crossed over
  • Aqua aura quartz: In a vision I had a couple of months after Ranger crossed over, I saw this most beautiful blue quartz. I searched the Internet high and low for exactly what I saw in my vision, but I could not find it. One day while browsing on Etsy, the exact quartz I had seen appeared as a product suggestion.
  • The carcass of one of our RV stinkbugs: After months of living with us throughout the cold of Winter, one of our stinkbugs passed away. We have both felt these stinkbugs are part of the insect communication from Ranger, and we honored this by putting the carcass of the stinkbug in one of the shells.

I started with the idea of this one spirit garden, but I also started another spirit garden outside - and my boyfriend is also at the start of creating another spirit garden of his own.

Ranger's outside spinach and moss garden, ever evolving!
A wood engraving for Ranger recently done by my boyfriend for Ranger's garden in our current campsite. June 2021