Ranger & Nicole's Walk

Thoughts, stories and walks...

Honoring Ranger at the Holidays 2022

In the last few days, I have been feeling Ranger's presence in such a beautiful and tactile way. I feel his love for me, I sense him all around me all the time, I hear messages of love from him - and I have been blessed with beautiful cardinal, ladybug and stinkbug signs from him. It's been over 2 years since Ranger left his physical form, and the signs from birds and insects have continued. It's really quite an incredible thing to witness. Ladybugs have manifested in the house for about a year
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
2 min read

Honoring Ranger at the 2nd Anniversary of his Passing

The one thing that is to be expected about grief, is that it is unexpected in its arrival. I had not expected the 2 year anniversary season of Ranger's passing to arrive at a place of feeling low, almost depressed, and a grief rekindled that hovers consistently but seems attributable to nothing. I have come to a sort of realization that maybe the anniversary time will always be some form of reconciliation for me. At the second year anniversary the reconciliation seems to consist of 1. The peri
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
6 min read

2nd Year Anniversary Meditation

It's around this time of year, when August slides into early September, that I generally feel the melancholic sense of vibrant Summer taking its sudden turn into the slow descent that will arrive at Winter. The days are still hot, but the insect sounds have changed, and the feeling of something about to end is omnipresent in the air. This is also the season when the last embers of Ranger's life glowed. And on the approach of this second anniversary of his passing I have been feeling these bitt
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
3 min read

Some of My Experiences with Pet Communication

After Ranger's 1-year Angel Day anniversary, in the Fall of 2021, I decided to develop my abilities in animal communication by taking Danielle MacKinnon's Soul Level Animal Communication Course 101. The course is largely focused on communication with pets and animals that are living, with a segment dedicated to communicating with animals who have passed on. It was an interesting course, Danielle offered many insights and structured exercises to develop pet communication through the weeks where
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
5 min read

Love endures all

Ranger & I, at the start of his illness and the start of the Pandemic in early 2020, at Saratoga Lake.Last night I finished organizing all of Ranger's photos through the years on my iPhone into his Ranger album. It's taken me a little over a year to organize all his photos, nearly 3000 in number. I anticipated when I got to the photos during the last 6 months of his life that it was going to be difficult for me revisiting these times. But actually the photo review of this ending period was very
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
4 min read

Spirit Walks

Almost every day I take a walk in the morning, in nature, with Ranger's spirit. Although he's not with me physically, I find this morning time to be a time of connection between his spirit, myself and nature. Sometimes I feel him deeply on the spirit walk, other times I feel just the very silent space of nature. I started these morning walks right after he died. The area I lived in at that time was pure forest. So the walk would have views of trees, large stones with moss, deer and occasionally
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
2 min read

Finding Meaning

Pabajja. Answering the call, and going forth... Ranger and I have so many important things to do together in 2022. I have no doubt that he continues to guide me and speak to me from the other side. He is no longer with me physically, but our walks together have only grown more important and wondrous - with me here physically and he in the world of the spirit. For most of the first year after Ranger passed on, I could only feel the deep vacuum of my loss of purpose. Walking Ranger, sharing adv
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
4 min read

One Year

September 2, 2021 was the one year anniversary of Ranger's passing. In the couple of months leading up to this anniversary I went through a difficult passage - one of reflection, disbelief, deep sadness and resurgence of many of my early feelings in this grief journey. Ranger, though, in his true fashion, made sure that we knew he was near to us on his first Angel Day with some amazing signs that I will never ever forget. Although I felt a certain anxiety in the months leading up to the day, th
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
6 min read


On August 2, 2021 it was 11 months since my darling Ranger passed away. Almost 1 year... Some moments it seems inconceivable and unbelievable to me that I have lived almost an entire year without Ranger physically by my side. Sometimes I don't know how I got to this point, or how I have made it through, or managed to live each day. I remember on the very few occasions I was away from him for a few days due to a business trip or a solo motorcycle trip, the feeling of longing that would crescendo
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
5 min read

My Thoughts on Death, and the New Heaven & Earth

In the last few weeks, it has come to me that our being is actually a column that vertically spans a number of dimensions. That when we die we are letting go of the most dense dimension of our being, the physical form. Our being continues on after this letting go of the physical and continues to learn lessons in the rest of the energy levels of our column of existence. Death is not the end of the soul. If you are an atheist and your world is shaped within materialism only, then death will seem l
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
3 min read

Today is One Year Traveling with Ranger in Our RV

One year ago today, July 8 2020, Ranger, my boyfriend, myself and our 2 kitties set out on an odyssey that would take us into unexpected scenery. In one day, we purchased our RV in Vermont, loaded it up with our earthly household possessions, put Ranger in the cab of the truck and trailered our new home to a campsite several hours away near the Delaware Water Gap. Ranger at the time, was just coming out of 7 days of a near-death state. The week before we set off we didn't think that he would be
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
3 min read

We are Attached to the Body

I am coming up on almost 9 months, on June 2, of being separated in this realm from my beloved Ranger. I have entered into a new landscape in this journey of loss and connection. I find myself more than at any other time during this grief walk over the last 3/4ths of a year, just wishing I could 'go back'. Back to my life with Ranger during the 12 years we were together physically. The signs & messages of love still continue to flow from Ranger, I know he is with me spiritually and I am continua
Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose
6 min read